Colegio Michael Ham
Búsquedas / Materias / Novedades


Resultado de la búsqueda

12 documentos en 0,3 segundos responden a los criterios que formulaste
que contengan las palabras w_QuerybySubject/ PYRAMIDS en Materias )

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Clasificación Cutter Título Autor Autores Media Copias Disp. Edición
932Ancient Egypt Wassynger, Ruth Akamine Wassynger, Ruth Akamine Libro 1 - HISTORY1996
932.01Ancient Egyptj Hart, Georgr Hart, Georgr Hayman, Peter (photographs) Libro 1 - HISTORY1990
 Egyptorium Buller, Laura & Chrisp, Peter Buller, Laura & Chrisp, Peter Abadizis, Nick Kerr, Andrew Millmore, Mark (illustr.) Libro 1 - ENGLISH, HISTORY2008
 Horrible Histories Awesome Egytians Deary, Terry & Hepplewhite, Peter Deary, Terry & Hepplewhite, Peter Brown, Martin (illust.) Libro 1 - ENGLISH, HISTORY2007
932Mummies and pyramids Osborne, Will Osborne, Will Osborne, Mary Pope Watts, Edith Pischicova, Elena Dr.Norris, Michael (Historical consultant)Murphy, Melinda (Educational consultant) Libro 1 - SCIENCE2001
I 8 nMummies in the morning Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Murdocca, Sal (illustrator) Libro 3 - ENGLISH FOURTH, ENGLISH LITERATURE BOOK FOURTH, ENGLISH, 4TH1993
I8CMummies in the morning Osborne Mary Pope Osborne Mary Pope Murdocca Sal IllustratorÑ Libro 1 -
I 8 nReturn of the Mummy Stine R.L Stine R.L Libro 1 - ENGLISH FIFTH1994
 The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb Stine R.L Stine R.L Libro 1 - ENGLISH, 5TH & 6TH1993
 The Great Egyptian Grave RobberyAs Brown, Jeff Brown, Jeff Pamintuan, Mackyes Libro 1 - ENGLISH, 4TH2009

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